Section 31. Duties and Responsibilities of the Commission on Human Rights (CHR).— The CHR shall;

  1. Establish mechanisms to investigate, address, and act upon complaints of impropriety and abuse in the treatment and care received by service users, particularly when such treatment or care is administered or implemented involuntarily;

  2. Inspect, mental health facilities to ensure that service users therein are not being subjected to cruel, inhumane, or degrading conditions or treatment;

  3. Investigate all cases involving involuntary treatment, confinement, or care of service users, for the purpose of ensuring strict compliance with domestic and international standards respecting the legality, quality, and appropriateness of such treatment, confinement, or care; and

  4. Appoint a focal commissioner for mental health tasked with protecting and promoting the rights of service users and other persons utilizing mental health services or confined in mental health facilities, as well as the rights of mental health professionals and workers. The focal commissioner shall, upon a finding that a mental health facility, mental health professional, or mental health worker has violated any of the rights provided for in this Act, take all necessary actions to rectify or remedy such violation, including recommending that an administrative, civil, or criminal case be filed by the appropriate government agency.