Section 8. The Regional State Prosecution Office: Functions of Regional State Prosecutor. —

The Regional State Prosecutor shall, under the control of the Secretary of Justice, have the following functions:

  1. Implement policies, plans, programs, memoranda, orders, circulars and rules and regulations of the Department of Justice relative to the investigation and prosecution of criminal cases in his region.

  2. Exercise immediate administrative supervision over all provincial and city fiscals and other prosecuting officers of provinces and cities comprised within his region.

  3. Prosecute any case arising within the region.

  4. With respect to his regional office and the offices of the provincial and city fiscals within his region, he shall:

    1. Appoint such member of subordinate officers and employees as may be necessary; and approve transfers of subordinate personnel within the jurisdiction of the regional office.

    2. Investigate administrative complaints against fiscals and other prosecuting officers within his region and submit his recommendation thereon to the Secretary of Justice who shall, after review thereof, submit the appropriate recommendation to the Office of the President: Provided, that where the Secretary of Justice finds insufficient grounds for the filing of charges, he may render a decision of dismissal thereof.

    3. Investigate administrative complaints against subordinate personnel of the region and submit his recommendations thereon to the Secretary of Justice who shall have the authority to render decision thereon.

    4. Approve requests for sick, vacation and maternity leaves of absence with or without pay, for a period not exceeding one year; for overtime services; for permission to exercise their profession or to engage in business outside of office hours; for official travel within the region for periods not exceeding thirty days; and for benefits under Section 699 of the Revised Administrative Code.

    5. Prepare the budget for the region for approval of the Secretary of Justice and administer the same.

    6. Negotiate and conclude contracts for services or for furnishing supplies, materials and equipment for amount not exceeding P50,000.00 for each quarter.

  5. Coordinate with regional offices of other departments, with bureaus/agencies under the Department of Justice, and with local governments and police units in the region.